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Our School Prayers

From the moment they start school, our children are introduced to prayer and develop an understanding of the importance of prayer in their daily lives. Prayer is part of our everyday life at Priory and takes place throughout the day. All of the children have a morning prayer session or liturgy in class. The children in key stage two have individual prayer books which they may write in at any point during the day. Our youngest children have prayer pals which are always available. We always say Grace before and after meals and each class either commits to Christian meditation after lunch; Godly Play or listening to stories from the Gospel. We finish the day with our school's end of the day prayer.

We are extremely fortunate to have a wonderful outdoor space and the children enjoy prayer sessions as well as RE classes outdoors in our outdoor classroom.

At Priory, we have a strong sense of the Priory family with the older children enjoy supporting the youngest to learn their set prayers. Each term, every class has a new Catholic prayer to learn. Please see our prayer overview below which outlines the prayers your child will learn during their time at Priory.

Our youngest children learn the sign of the cross prayer from their very first day at school and use song to help support this. Please see the video below which our EYFS and year one children use every day.

We work very closely with the charity- Aid to the Church in Need. As school members of this charity, we regularly have speakers visit and use the Maisy Milk Rosary resources to teach our children how to pray the Rosary.

Our school prayer book is gifted to all members of our school community and copies are available in the school office for visitors to our school.