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Classes this week


W/C 4.6.24

Welcome back for our final half term Bluebell class!
We have a very exciting few weeks coming up filled with plenty of enriching activities both in and out of school.
For the first few weeks of this half term, the children are continuing with their Goldilocks project in English through which we will be reading a few alternative versions of the fairytale. For the main outcome for this unit the children will be inventing their own sequel for the story.
In Maths, the children are moving on to looking at mass and measure.
Our new RE topic is 'Dialogue and Encounter' in which we will be looking at the relationship between Catholic faith and other Christian traditions, Judaism and other religions. The church puts a great importance on dialogue with everyone in the world so that we can respect each other and all cultures.
We will begin by looking at Jewish Passover and taking part in some role playing.
In Art, we will be exploring mark making with different materials, tools, techniques and surfaces. They will be using their new skills to represent mood and movement. They will be solidifying these skills when we go on our class trip to the beach where they will be exploring the different surfaces they can use as well as the natural movement to create a piece of work.
On Friday, the children took part in a litter pick around the school grounds so that they could help to take care of our common home. We discussed how our litter pick can help us to live out the Pope's wishes for the world from his encyclical letter Laudato Si'.
* Proposal forms for the Enterprise Day are still available in the office for anyone wanting to take part in this exciting opportunity from FOPS! *

BUTTERCUP CLASS (R/1)                                                                                                                     W/C 20th May 2024

Gosh I can't believe we are nearly at the end of another half term!
Today (Monday) we were fortunate to have some visiting froglets! This led to some impromptu learning about the life cycle of the frog which we all enjoyed. Thank you Henry for bringing them in to share with the class.
In maths, the year 1 children will be completing their unit on multiplication and division whilst the reception children are continuing with their learning on addition by counting on..
In RE, the children have been learning about the early church and on Thursday we will be visiting our church to explore some of its key features. We are very excited as Cannon Lock has kindly offered to talk to us about the Tabernacle. 
In geography, we are coming to the end of our topic about farming. This week the children will be looking at the different parts of the plant that we eat.
In literacy, the children are enjoying exploring an animation from the past - Captain Pugwash and the sea monster.
In science, the children have enjoyed continuing to care for their bean plants and the Y1s have been carefully measuring and recording the growth of their plants each week.    

In PSHE, we are learning about different feelings and our likes and dislikes.
Please could we remind all parents the importance of reading with their children each day. We have seen an big improvement with this over the last couple of weeks so thank you to those parents that are doing this regularly - it really supports the children's consolidation and progress. We ask that children read with a parent/guardian for 10 minutes each evening and bring their signed reading books into school the next day.

Many thanks

Miss King and team

 Week beginning: 13th May 2024
This week in RE we are completing our RE topic 'To the ends of the Earth'. The children have been learning about the books of the Bible and have created some interesting artwork in their RE books. We have explored the books and the content we would expect to find in both the Old and New Testament. This week the children have also learnt about Pentecost in preparation for Pentecost this Sunday. Your child will have a copy of the Wednesday Word in their bags later in the week which shares the story of the Holy Spirit visiting the Apostles which is recorded in John's Gospel. There are lots of reflection points and fun activities for you to explore with your child and we highly recommend parents and carers look at these with their children.
In maths, year 3 are finishing their unit on time whilst year four have started their new unit on decimals. This will quickly lead to our topic on money and we are encouraging children to think about the value of money. 
In English, we have started reading our new story, The Matchbox Diary. We have completed our own 'I wonder' questions based upon the illustrations. In addition to this, the children have explored direct speech and how to use inverted commas correctly. 

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Reynolds and team

SUNFLOWER CLASS (5/6)                Week beginning 13th May 2024