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GIFT Pupil Chaplaincy

Our GIFT Chaplains occupy a very special role within our school community. Each week, they meet with Miss Reynolds our RE lead. During these meetings, they discuss opportunities for charity work; further parish/school/community links; as well as opportunities to grow further in faith. Last year, we had such as over whelming number of children who wished to become GIFT Chaplains that all of our year four children were appointed!

GIFT Chaplains also help with setting up our outdoor classroom/prayer space as well as our Mary altar. They support with the RE displays and environment around the school, regularly visiting classes to support with changing the prayer spaces and tables. When we have Mass or Act of Worship at school, GIFT Chaplains also occupy essential roles within these proceedings. Please look at the photographs below depicting some of our GIFT Chaplains at work.
Meet our wonderful GIFT Chaplaincy Team!