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Pastoral Care & SEND

Our school prides itself on the care, nurture and pastoral support that we are able to offer our children. We work closely with our families to ensure that we are doing everything possible to ensure our children thrive and are happy in school! 
"The children are at the heart of all decisions made." OFSTED 
Hannah Maskell- SENCO

01803 328 480

SEND Governor Mrs Bridget Williams
Where can I get further information?

The Local Authority provides information for parents who have a child with additional needs here:

Torbay SEN

If you feel your child requires extra support in school and you and/ or the school wish to apply for an Education Health Care Plan you will find guidance criteria here:

SENDIASS provide information, advice and support for young people & parents/carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities aged 0-25.
What is the Torbay Local Offer?

The local authority are required by the Government to set out and publish a ‘Local Offer’. It provides clear accessible information about services available in the area, for parents and young people.

The local offer:

  • Provides information on provision from birth to 25 across education, health and social care
  • Makes clear the options that are available at a community level right through to specialist and targeted services for children and young people with more complex needs.
If you would like further information go to:

(An independent advice centre for parents/carers)

We provide information, advice and support for young people & parents/carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities aged 0-25.