01803 328 480
SEND Governor Mrs Bridget Williams
The Local Authority provides information for parents who have a child with additional needs here:
Torbay SEN https://www.torbay.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/send/
If you feel your child requires extra support in school and you and/ or the school wish to apply for an Education Health Care Plan you will find guidance criteria here:
SENDIASS provide information, advice and support for young people & parents/carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities aged 0-25. http://sendiasstorbay.org.uk/
The local authority are required by the Government to set out and publish a ‘Local Offer’. It provides clear accessible information about services available in the area, for parents and young people.
The local offer:
- Provides information on provision from birth to 25 across education, health and social care
- Makes clear the options that are available at a community level right through to specialist and targeted services for children and young people with more complex needs.
(An independent advice centre for parents/carers)
We provide information, advice and support for young people & parents/carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities aged 0-25.